Monday, July 21, 2014

Young Living's Thieves Products!

One of the things that has always bothered me is the list of unrecognizable ingredients on the back of our products that we use every day. Just because I don't recognize an ingredient does not necessarily mean it is bad, but most of your every day products are full of chemicals that will seep into your body  through your skin or the air you breathe. Within the last 6 months I have been on a quest to change out most all of our every day products for clean products. It gives me a peace of mind that my family is not inhaling, ingesting or having toxins absorbed through their skin. We have not converted all of our products, yet, but we have switched over most of them with the help of Young Living. So, what products have we switched? Toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, mouthwash, air fresheners, bug spray, hand soap, house hold cleaner, eye make-up remover, moisturizer, diaper rash cream, and our entire medicine cabinet!

Today I want to specifically share with you about Young Livings Thieves products. Obviously, I love Thieves Essential Oil! It is what we use to keep sickies at bay and it works soo well! If we do happen to get a bug, it reduces the amount of time we are sick. But in addition to the Thieves oil, there is an entire line of products that contain Thieves oil for everyday protection against germs!

Why I love Thieves Essential Oil? Because of all the many uses!! 

How do we use it? We diffuse it to clear the air of germs (and it makes my house smell amazing!), we apply it to our feet for protection during cold and flu season, and we add it to capsules and take it with water for extra immune system support! 

Young Living has an entire line of Thieves oral hygiene products too! Toothpaste (AromaBright, Dentarome Ultra, or Dentarome Plus), Mouthwash, and Dental Floss! Every time I use the toothpaste and mouthwash I feel like I just stepped out of the dentist office after a cleaning! But with the peace of mind that chemicals and fluoride were not put in my mouth or accidentally ingested! And an added bonus, they all contain Thieves so my immune system is strengthened every time I brush my teeth! 

In the Thieves product line is probably one of my most used items. Thieves Spray. I personally, keep these handy around my house and on the go. When out and about I use it to disinfect icky bathrooms or grocery carts, or anything that just needs to be disinfected. My family has used Thieves spray for tooth aches, sore throats, and itchy scratchy throats too! 

Lastly in the Thieves line of products is the Hand Soap and Household Cleaner. I use the cleaner for EVERYTHING! It smells amazing and I love to clean counter tops, windows, floors, toilets, and toys with it! I have the peace of mind that bad bacteria is destroyed without compromising our bodies with harsh chemicals! The hand soap is so good and is in our bathrooms and at our kitchen sink. It smells so good, lasts a long time (foaming hand soap) and I know my family is getting a good immune system boost every time they wash their hands! 

My family loves Thieves! I truly believe it is because of these products that we use daily that we have been sick considerably less! It has not been hard to make the switch to clean products and we are enjoying all the benefits these amazing Thieves products have to offer! 

Would you like to try some of these products for yourself? Interested in getting your products at wholesale cost? Simply click here to get started! 

Do you have any questions about these products? Simply leave your questions in the comments and I will answer them! :) 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

What made me jump out of the box?

My story begins shortly after I became pregnant with our firstborn son. In my mind, I was going to enjoy my pregnancy and go to the hospital when the time came for him to enter this world. That was my plan and I was very naive. It is what everyone seemed to do.  As the weeks passed and I entered my second trimester I would go onto the websites that would tell me what to expect in my pregnancy and what developments my baby was undergoing that week as well as what I ought to be thinking about. One day, I saw this funny word. Episiotomy. I thought to myself...what is that? It doesn't sound very good. So, I looked it up. No WAY in the world did I want that to be a part of the delivery of my son! So began my jump out of the box! I began to research and find a way to AVOID this awful thing called an episiotomy. Through this I learned about The Bradley Method of child birth. I read and studied and dragged my hubby to Bradley Birth classes. I was determined not to have an episiotomy! Well, as one would have it, I learned so much more about labor and delivery. I began to learn about what was necessary and what was not. I learned that I do have a say in what I want and do not want when it comes to the world of medicine and doctors. I began to ask the questions: how will this effect me and my baby? Is it the best option? Is there a better way? What are the ingredients? What are the risks involved? What are the benefits? And with those questions came answers that I did not expect. I began to ask these same questions for everything! No I am not paranoid and no I do not fear doctors and hospitals and the medical system. I am, however, proactive when it comes to the medical systems influence in our lives. I believe we have a right to know the answers to these questions. I will dive into individual topics later! So, what did this little decision to avoid an episiotomy do for my labor and delivery and my life almost 2 years later? Well, I gave birth to my son in the hospital naturally. He was 9lbs 8oz at birth. We said no to many standard procedures for me and for my son while in the hospital. We chose other procedures that are less routine and that helped me to not tear or require an episiotomy and were better for both me and my son. We have decided to decline the regular vaccine schedule given to children. I gave birth to my daughter through a home birth with a midwife (wonderful experience!) because we have realized our rights to refuse certain things in the hospital have been/are being taken away. I have come to discover the benefit of using essential oils everyday in place of OTC medicines. I will share how I implement those into our lives through this blog. I also take my family to an alternative medicine family practice instead of a regular family doctor or pediatrician. And I still am learning and I am still researching. I will be the first to admit that I do not have all the answers. But through this I hope to be able to inspire someone else to begin to ask the questions that I have and to maybe also "jump" out of the box! 

DIY Bug Repellent (Spray or Gel)

I think just every person at some point wishes Noah could have squashed a couple of pesky bugs as they were brought onto the Ark. Two in particular that are my least favorite are gnats and mosquitoes.    When we used to live in Alabama they were particularly horrible. Now that we are in Indiana, they aren't as bad, but they are still around.

I had tried a couple different recipes for a bug repellent using Young Living Essential Oils and none of them really worked well. Then I was asked to create this video for an online class using this recipe and so far it works really really well! Both my husband and I enjoy fishing in our pond in the evenings and we notice a significant difference when we use it and when we don't. So, enjoy this simple recipe and let me know what you think!

What you will need:

A small travel spray bottle or squirt bottle (like in the video)

Aloe Vera liquid or gel. 

5 drops Young Living Purification oil

2 drops Young Living Thieves oil

2 drops Young Living Melaluca oil

2 drops Young Living Lemongrass oil

1 drop Young Living Peppermint oil

Monday, July 14, 2014

A New Look!

Welcome to my new and improved health blog! Yes, it is focused more on Young Living and the health benefits that can be achieved through their products! But I will also be posting on different topics along the way as well! See those gorgeous purple flowers in the background? That is lavender! One of my most used essential oils!

Why do I love lavender so much and why do we use it so much? Because I am a stay at home mom in a house with two toddlers ALL DAY LONG! Sometimes we just need a little chill out time so I either diffuse the lavender or I apply it to little tummy's throughout the day.
Recently, I was ironing clothes on a Sunday morning and randomly decided to iron my thumb as well. Not such a good idea and it hurt and began to swell up immediately. I reached for my lavender! Within minutes it stopped hurting, the swelling decreased, and I completely forgot about the incident.
I applied lavender the same way when my daughter decided to place both hands directly on the hot glass surface of our gas fireplace this past winter!
We also use lavender in a allergy bomb with lemon, peppermint, and Copaiba. I put an equal amount of these four oils in a bottle with a roll on and whenever the stuffy noses, runny noses, sniffles, itchy, watery eyes begin I roll on as much as necessary to keep the allergies under control.
Needless to say, lavender is a staple oil in our household and we are so very thankful for it!

Would you like some lavender for your family? Have you purchased your Young Living Starter Kit that comes with a LIFETIME membership? Not yet? Well, what are you waiting for? Just click this link and complete the form picking out the starter kit of your choice! My favorite starter kit is obviously the Premium Starter Kit because it comes with EVERYTHING!

See what I mean? Everything you need is all right there! PLUS, as a member of my team you will have access to the best support group ever (just a little biased)! 

Again, welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy your time here! 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Dealing with the Differences

Two children. Two completely opposite personalities and responses to everyday moments. What worked on your first has a completely opposite reaction/effect on your second. This is where I am at now with my life with two toddlers.

I am reading the "Mommy help" books and having to figure out a different strategy while still using my first strategy with my firstborn while making sure I don't cross strategies with my second! Sound exhausting? This is why I need a nap!

I am constantly learning and one thing that keeps being shouted out at me is to stop trying to simply correct behavior. I need to reach their little hearts. Pretty sure I have my sons heart. Not so sure about my daughters. And how exactly does one not simply correct behavior in a 1 year old? It seems like everything is "No! Don't do that! No! Don't touch that! No! Don't put that there! No! You're going to get hurt!"

Currently, my daughter has just discovered how to climb out of her crib. So, out came the toddler bed. The only problem with toddler beds is that they don't keep toddlers contained. The main issue is that a toddler can get out of any bed! My son was the toddler who, if he got out of bed, would simply read or play quietly by himself till I came to get him. My daughter, on the other hand, is the child who puts every toy in her mouth, runs with sharp objects, and screams at the top of her lungs if anything in her world is not perfect. Being separated for any length of time from Mommy counts as an imperfect world.

Life is definitely a crazy fiasco of discombobulation and me standing in the middle of it all with my hands in the air and a white flag of surrender being waved! I am learning as I go and praying much for the wisdom, sanity, and survival of both myself and my children.

How did you survive the toddler days? What have you found that has worked for you? Any comments on the matter are greatly appreciated! :)