Monday, June 17, 2013

No longer use Aleve for Menstrual cramps!

I was your typical sufferer of intense pain once a month. It would put me in bed popping Aleve all day long one whole day each month. Then for the next couple of days I would pop more Aleve but was able to function a little more normally. I would have to admit that I probably took between 10-12 Aleve pills in a 72 hour period of time every single month. not cool! Aleve consists of the drug naproxen. Did you know that if taken long term it can mess with your heart and circulation? Not cool. I don't even want to know how many years I took Aleve every single month! (To read more on naproxen you can check out this link: ) So, if I am not taking naproxen anymore, then what am I taking instead? I have discovered essential oils through a company called Young Living
I have found that their Aroma Siez oil blend works really well when applied to my tummy! Why does it work so well? It contains basil and peppermint. Both are a natural anti-inflammatory! So, does it really work? Yes! I am able to function with minimal discomfort and I apply it 3 times a day to keep those cramps at bay! So, whats in the oil blend? Is it really all natural? Yes! The only thing in this blend is basil, marjoram, lavender, peppermint, and cypress oil! 100% pure therapeutic grade! And no, it will not cause any type of heart or circulation issues later in life! If you would like more info on Essential oils, just let me know! 

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